Calibrachoa Care 101: How to Grow Million Bells at Home

Calibrachoa Care 101: How to Grow Million Bells at Home
Calibrachoa also known as million bells, is a popular garden annual that blooms continuously from planting until frost and is ideal for containers, hanging baskets, or raised beds. These petunia look-alikes offer a wide range of flower patterns and colors such as white, yellow, purple, blue and pink.

Light: Calibrachoa plants bloom best with at least six hours of full sun, though they can tolerate partial shade. Without enough light flower numbers will decrease, the plants will stretch and the foliage turns light green.

Water: Water calibrachoa when the top couple of inches of soil feel dry. During hot weather, they can dry out quickly and may need daily watering. Saturate the whole container so liquid drains from the bottom. Allow to dry slightly between waterings.

Care: Calibrachoa plants are heavy feeders. Nutrients are quickly leached from the soil by frequent watering, so fertilize regularly for continuous bloom.

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