Care Tips for Your Fresh Bouquets

Care Tips for Your Fresh Bouquets

Flower bouquets bring beauty, elegance, and a touch of nature to any space or occasion.

It's important to know how to care for it to ensure the flowers stay fresh and vibrant for as long as possible.

Proper care and attention can significantly extend the lifespan of your bouquet, allowing you to enjoy its beauty and fragrance for days.

In this guide, we will explore some essential tips and techniques to help you keep your flower bouquet looking stunning and vibrant.

So let's dive in and discover how you can care for your flower bouquet like a pro!

Step 1: Unwrap your bouquet

Step 2: Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle

Trim 2-4 cm off and cut at an angle. This allows for better water intake since they won't be flat on the bottom of a vase. Be sure to re-trim your bouquet once every few days!

Step 3: Fill a clean vase with lukewarm water

Step 4: Drop in ½ of our flower food sachet into your vase
It’s also important to clean your vase thoroughly and change out the water and flower food every two to three days.

Step 5: Place your flowers in the vase and keep them away from direct sunlight. Your flowers will last longer in a room with a cool temperature. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight or near appliances that generate heat. Avoid areas like open windows and cooling vents as they can cause the flowers to quickly dehydrate. You also shouldn’t display your bouquet near fruit as ripening fruits release tiny amounts of ethylene gas which can reduce the longevity of your fresh arrangement.

Step 6: Make sure all the stem ends are in the water

Browse our variety of bouquets to celebrate any occasion!

Watch this video for tips on how to keep your flowers fresh and extend their lifespan!

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